by Gal Borenstein E-PAYMENTS & SOCIAL MEDIA CREATE NEW CLASS OF GLOBAL- VILLAGE ENTREPRENEURS With PayPal, ApplePay and mobile marketing, combined with the democratization of content, new products will overcome local retail challenges and go global overnight. SOCIAL MEDIA BRAND MELTDOWNS … [Read more...]
What Is Your Executive Reputation Worth To Your Company?
Thought Leadership on Branding and PR presented by The Borenstein Group. What’s your CEO reputation worth to you? What’s it worth to your clients? What’s it worth to your friends? And can you monetize it? The answer to these questions used to be, “It doesn’t matter because it’s all about who you … [Read more...]
Gal Borenstein Comments on ISIS and Social Media on Newsmax TV
September 23, 2014 – Fairfax, VA – Borenstein Group CEO Gal Borenstein was invited to appear on Newsmax TV today to share his perspective on ways in which ISIS is using social media to drive recruitment and spread propaganda, and ways in which the U.S. government can effectively use the same social … [Read more...]