The difference between a good design and a clever design is that the clever one imprints the mind subliminally. Persuasion is born of cleverness, with its repetition that never feels redundant. … [Read more...]
People Power Companies. People Are Social Beings. Get Social Companies.
As always I enjoyed reading the latest post on the Bridged Design blog: #BareItAll: The Importance of Interaction They share the background of the increasingly popular #BareItAll topic started on Twitter in January of this year. Here's an excerpt: #BareItAll: A Case … [Read more...]
Sequestration and GovCon: How to Prepare for the Punch
Bridged Design offers some thoughts in a recent blog post on the "dreaded beast" stomping its way towards our federal spending budget. With an ETA of March 1st the sound of approaching footsteps has everyone on edge. How will the masses react when they can actually see this sequestration? Spring … [Read more...]
APMP-NCA Unveils the 2013 Board of Directors
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Association of Proposal Management Professionals, National Capital Area chapter (APMP-NCA) is pleased to unveil its 2013 Board of Directors, as elected by its members. The new board will continue to provide strategic leadership to the largest of all APMP chapters, while … [Read more...]
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are like three needy children
Maintaining a social presence is a lot like parenting... a set of crying, wet, hungry triplets who never sleep. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn -- they are like three needy children who don't discriminate between your personal life and your work life. Oh, you're in a meeting? Twitter doesn't care, it … [Read more...]
Leveraging Conferences: The Beauty and the Beast
Conference Exhibition Space? $4000 Dollars Airfare to Conference City? $450 Dollars Hotel and Rental Car? $750 Dollars Food and Miscellaneous? $400 Dollars Not hiring pro's to help with your booth and marketing materials? Pricele---- Wait. That's not … [Read more...]
Social Media: What You Can Learn From the Top Shares of 2012
Happy New Year! Our beloved politicians have all but guaranteed 2013 will be an eventful year by starting us off with a slow motion leap over a cliff. Not sure when we hit the ground or whatever it is we're going to hit, but either way I'll be glad when we stop hearing "fiscal cliff"! Our … [Read more...]
Stuck with the freethinking creatives with little concept of time?
If you find yourself getting frustrated with the apparent inability your creative talent has to stick to a timeline and meet deadlines, don't waste your time looking for a replacement that is good at both! They probably don't exist. You're better off trying to work with them to create their own … [Read more...]
Where We’re Going, We Need Roads
This blog post from Bridged Design caught my attention after having spent some serious time driving over the last few days. As always they deliver their advice interestingly, and effectively. From Bridged Design.. "Where we're going, we don't need roads." Sorry, Doc, but your … [Read more...]
Rainbow Psychology: The Importance of Color Selection
Have you ever noticed how similar color schemes can be from company to company in any given industry? If you had to think of a dominant color in the fast-food industry, what first jumps to mind? Easily, Red. McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Chick-fil-A, Popeyes, Pizza Hut, KFC, just to name a few. This color … [Read more...]
Pink Houses and PowerPoint: The Importance of Presentation
Humor me for a moment. Let’s think of your company or idea as a beautiful home, carefully constructed with a solid foundation and full of innovative nuances that any prospective homeowner would be thrilled to have. You’ve gone through painstaking measures to craft this home and are ready to start … [Read more...]
Once Upon a Time: Marketing without Selling
If you're wondering why your marketing department is stomping around the floor above you, it's probably because they've lately had to deal with unwelcome house guests who keep removing the family portrait and hanging up their English degrees. That's right. Writers! Building a successful brand … [Read more...]