WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Association of Proposal Management Professionals, National Capital Area chapter (APMP-NCA) is pleased to unveil its 2013 Board of Directors, as elected by its members. The new board will continue to provide strategic leadership to the largest of all APMP chapters, while bringing a wealth of fresh perspectives to expand its reach and value to all members.
APMP-NCA President, Olessia Smotrova-Taylor said, “We have a new, reenergized board with plans to create even more value for our members. We will have new types of educational events, member outreach and training opportunities we haven’t offered in the past. I am looking forward to an exciting year.”
2013 APMP-NCA Officers
- President, Olessia Smotorova-Taylor
- Vice President, Maryann Lesnick
- Treasurer, Eric Schwarz
- Secretary, Constance Dyson
2013 APMP-NCA Directors
- Annual Events Chair, Alex Brown
- Annual Events Co-Chair, Alexa Tsui
- Corporate Partner Program Chair, Andrea Tasker
- Event Logistics Chair, Michelle Sullivan
- Networking Chair, Ros Angus
- Speaker Series Chair, Lisa Pafe
- eZine Chair, Alexis Dimouro
- Marketing & Publicity Chair, Bridget Skelly
- Membership Chair, Jay Carroll
- Technology Chair, Julia Pochekueva
APMP-NCA is the largest of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) 25 worldwide chapters. Located in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area — the hub of federal government business activity – the chapter’s activities are centrally located at a variety of locations in and around Washington, D.C. APMP serves as the premier source for industry best practices, business development acquisition trends and career development advice.
For additional information, contact Bridget Skelly, Director of Marketing & Publicity, at 703.788.6792 or at